SOPRO Saphir - Flexible cement joint 1-6 mm
48,77 zł netto
48,77 zł netto
Cement-based, flexible, highly resistant to water and dirt penetration, grout mortar with a pearling effect for grouting ceramic tiles. Meets the requirements of CG2 WA in accordance with the PN-EN 13888 standard. Thanks to the use of Hydrodur® technology
The grout is easy to clean and has increased protection against the development of mold and microorganisms.
Product with low chromate content in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex XVII.
For grouting absorbent and non-absorbent coverings, with a joint width of 1-6 mm, in indoor and outdoor areas, on walls and floors. It is also suitable for heated floors and walls, and especially for use in humid and wet rooms. For swimming pools, we recommend high-strength Sopro TF+, Sopro TFb or epoxy Sopro FEP 604 or Sopro FEP plus grouts. Sopro DF 10® grout is recommended for grouting tiles with low water absorption (e.g. stoneware, etc.).
Mixing proportions
0.68-0.83 l of water: 3 kg Sopro Saphir®
Approx. 0.5 kg/m2 for 15x20 cm tiles and a joint width of approx. 3 mm.
Approx. 0.3 kg/m2 for 20x30 cm tiles and a joint width of approx. 3 mm
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