Sika Igolflex P-01 10L - bitumen priming emulsion
136,50 zł netto
136,50 zł netto
Sika Igolflex P-01 is a one component, ready to use, polymer modified, bituminous emulsion primer.
Primer for thick bitumen coatings and membranes. Improves adhesion and consolidation of substrates: concrete, brick, mortar.
Non-flammable and quick-drying bitumen coating supplied ready for use. The primer emulsion has good penetration into porous substrates. Can be applied by brush, roller or airless spray. It can be applied to dry and slightly damp substrates. Bet on a proven priming emulsion and you will save time and money.
Consumption: ~200 g/m²
Colour: Brown - black
Packaging: 10L can
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