Flowcrete Protop 1000 - epoxy resin for substrates 15 kg
771,54 zł netto
771,54 zł netto
Product features:
• Very good ground penetration
• High mechanical strength
• High chemical resistance
• Easy application
• For priming concrete substrates, cement and anhydrite screeds
• As a binder in resin-quartz mortars and putties
• As a priming and construction layer in the Peran STB system
Protop 1000 is available in sets:
• 15 kg – Base A: 10.7 kg and hardener B: 4.3 kg
During laying and during the initial setting of the resin, the substrate temperature must be 3°C higher than the dew point temperature .
The material should be applied on a properly prepared substrate in accordance with the Implementation Manual of the given system.
Do not allow the ambient temperature to drop below +5°C during the first 24 hours after installation.
Too high relative air humidity in the early stage of resin hardening may cause the appearance of white, matte discolorations on the floor surface.
Material preparation:
Add hardener B to base A and mix using a low-speed mixer for 3 minutes.
The material retains its properties for a period of 6 months from the production date (given on the packaging) provided it is stored in a dry place, in factory-sealed containers at temperatures from +5°C to +40°C. The product should be protected from frost and direct sunlight.
Uncured material should be removed immediately using a solvent (acetone, xylene). Hardened resin can only be removed mechanically.
health and safety:
Ensure adequate ventilation of rooms where flooring is applied. Use appropriate personal protective equipment. Before using the material, please read its Material Safety Data Sheets.
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