Sika BlackSeal-301 5kg - insulating coating for sealing and repair
135,37 zł netto
135,37 zł netto
Sika BlackSeal 301 is a solvent-based, fiber-reinforced bituminous material used for waterproofing and scratch repair of bituminous membrane, concrete, mortar and brick substrates.
Capacity: 5kg
Black colour
Material in ready-to-use form. Roofing putty can be applied with a trowel or putty knife. Easy to apply, does not run off vertical surfaces. The insulating coating is flexible, even at low temperatures. Resistant to UV radiation. Ability to transfer surface scratches.
Protection and waterproofing of scratches made of bituminous membranes, concrete, mortars and bricks.
~ 1.20 kg/m2/mm layer thickness
Substrate quality
The substrate must be smooth, dry, free of dust, oil and grease, and loose particles not bonded to the substrate. Defects and irregularities in the substrate, such as bubbles, voids, etc., should be repaired with an appropriate Sika® mortar before applying the coating.
Substrate preparation
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