Sika Primer 210 Primer for adhesives 1L
245,45 zł netto
245,45 zł netto
Sika Primer 210 is a slightly yellow transparent primer that reacts with ambient moisture to form a thin film. This coating acts as a link between substrates and adhesives. Sika Primer 210 has been specifically formulated as a surface preparation prior to the application of Sika one-component polyurethanes.
Sika Primer 210 is used to improve adhesion on many metals such as aluminium, steel and non-ferrous metals. The primer can also be used to enhance the adhesion of Sikasil adhesives and sealants. For materials prone to stress cracking, the manufacturer's advice should be sought before applying Sika Primer-210 and tests should be performed on original substrates.
This product is for experienced professional users only. Testing with actual substrates and conditions should be performed to ensure adhesion and material compatibility.
Surfaces must be clean, dry, free from grease, oil, dust and contamination. The adhesion of the primer to the surface can be increased by additional operations such as matting, degreasing and activating
Apply a thin but full covering coat of Sika Primer 210 using a brush, felt, lint free cloth or sponge applicator. Sika Primer 210 exhibits thermoplastic properties up to 3 days after application, therefore higher temperatures and early stress on the joint should be avoided. The ideal application and substrate temperature is between 15 °C and 25 °C.
Sika Primer 210 should be applied in one coat only. Care must be taken to ensure that this single layer provides adequate, airtight coverage. Consumption and method of application depend on the specificity of each substrate. Close the container tightly immediately after each use.
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